The committee oversees ministry and assistance to parishioners who cannot attend church, or need special help and attention.
Each member of the Pastoral Care team has been called by God to be His healing & compassionate presence in the lives of those who are, for the most part, unable to attend church because of age and/or infirmity.
Each member of the team is assigned one or more individuals to visit. These visits often include Bible reading, prayer, holding a hand, and, above all a listening heart.
If you would like a visit from the pastoral care team, please call the church office (250-656-5322) and we will be happy to arrange for someone to come visit you!
Altar Flower Delivery: Elsie Widdowson
Care Home Service: Eric Partridge
Prayer Chain: Eric Partridge
Sunshine Lady: contact the church office
Card Ministry: Fran Sterne
Volunteer Drivers: Fran Sterne
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