
Select from the menu on the left to read more about these essential ministries.

 1 Corinthians 12:4  “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.”

St. Andrew’s has a strong tradition of a combined clergy and laity leadership- that is, leadership of all the congregation, whether or not they have been ordained.  We are all called to use the gifts that God has given us, and being a Lay Assistant is one way to do that.

There are so many essential ministries carried out by laity (non-ordained congregation members) including, but by no means limited to Altar Guild; Lay Liturgical Assistant; Scripture Reader; Server; Audio / Visual Operator; and so many others.

Altar Guild:


Children's Eucharist:


Greeters, Sidepersons, Hosts: Irene Shaw


Lay Readers: Lois Ainey
Intercessors: Lois Ainey


Music and Choir  Betty Rose Harrington





Chalice Bearers:



I am interested in being a Lay Assistant

Please indicate in the message area below, which Lay Ministry you are interested in or have a question about.  Give us your phone number if you prefer a call from us.

Altar Guild;  Lay Liturgical Assistant;  Scripture Reader;  Server

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