Donations to St. Andrew's by Automatic Recurring, e-Transfer, Cheque or Cash
Automatic Monthly Donations:
St. Andrew's Church will convert it's on-line and automatic recurring donation system in Janurary 2024. All donors on our current automatic debit have been moved to the new system. If you have any question please contact the Church office.
St. Andrew's benefits from lower tranaction charges by moving to the new system. If you are interested in making automatic donations please contact the Church office. 250-656-5322 /
Electronic Funds Tranfer.
Use your on-line banking to send us your donation.
Send to
We use auto deposit so no need for a security question but you will need to create something when adding St. Andrew's to your receipient e-Transfer list. If you are not currently a member of our parish or not sure please include in the comments area your contact information. ( your name, address, email etc.)
Current members should include your name and envelope giving number so we credit the correct person.
Cheque or Cash
Use your Giving Envelope (so we can identify you for accounting purposes) to enclose your Cash or Cheque and place it in the offertory plate.
We have many ways to express our gratitude for the blessings God has given us: including in our prayer life, in our activities for the building up of God's kingdom on earth, and in our financial contributions for the ministry of the church where we belong.
The ministries of ST. ANDREW’S are funded by the financial support by members of this faith community and others and are a matter of great importance. Most people make a plan for their charitable giving; there are options to consider, and many people decide to utilize more than one option.
Annual Giving
This is the regular, grateful giving back to God during one's lifetime. There are several ways to do this depending upon individual preference: envelopes provided by the church, direct debit from one's bank account, or by credit card. The donor decides the frequency of the gift: weekly, monthly or on some other schedule. Automated giving (direct debit or credit card) has the advantage that your gift makes it to the church even when you are not able to attend in person. This is extremely helpful to the church in managing its cash flow.
Outreach: In addition to the set of weekly envelopes available from the office, St Andrew’s ministries include a quarterly gift to 4 charitable causes.
Planned Giving
This method involves giving from one's accumulated assets. This is most often done during estate planning for the disposition of assets after one's death, but there are also options from which to choose that come into force during one's lifetime. Please pick up a brochure from the Narthex or ask at the office.
Memorial Gifts
When there is a death in a St Andrew’s family or a funeral is booked at the parish, the family of the one who passed away may choose to give a memorial gift. Depending on the interests of the deceased and the family, memorial gifts may be dedicated for some particular purpose, or left to the discretion of the wardens.
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